I've got this ScalaQuery model in Playframework 2
object User {
implicit object UserFormat extends Format[User] {
def reads(json: JsValue) : User = User(
(json \ "firstName").as[String],
(json \ "lastName").as[String],
(json \ "email").as[String]
def writes(user: User) : JsValue = JsObject(Seq(
"firstName" -> JsString(user.firstName),
"lastName" -> JsString(user.lastName),
"email" -> JsString(user.email))
object UsersTable extends Table[User]("users") {
def id = column[Long]("USER_ID", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
def fName = column[String]("USER_FIRSTNAME", O.NotNull)
def lName= column[String]("USER_LASTNAME", O.NotNull)
def email = column[String]("USER_EMAIL", O.NotNull)
def user_email_idx = index("user_email_idx", email, unique = true)
def * = id.? ~ fName ~ lName ~ email <> (User.apply _, User.unapply _)
def forInsert = fName ~ lName ~ email <> ({ (f, l, e) => User(None, f, l, e) }, { u:User => Some((u.firstName, u.lastName, u.email)) })
I'd like to perform a Select * and return all the rows in UsersTable
. Is it possible to do this using the UsersTable projection? I've seen some examples that look like this
UsersTable.where(_.fName startsWith "H").list
to select rows that fit a criteria. How do I do this without passing in any of that?
All you should need to do is this:
val query = for(r <- MyTable) yield r
val results = query.list
The first line creates the actual query object that represents something like select * from MyTable
, and the second line actual invokes that and loads the results into memory.
The important implicits you might want to know about are tableToQuery
, which lets the MyTable
have for-comprehensions on it; and queryToQueryInvoker
, which pimps the query so that it has methods like list
Alternatively you should be able to do something like
val query: Query[User] = MyTable
which should use the tableToQuery
implicit to satisfy the type requirement.