This application is for accessibility so will be used by blind/visually impaired users amongst others. So it has a listWidget on the screen disguised as a menu using style sheets. The functionality behind each item on the list needs to be accessed in the following ways: – mouse click – up and down arrows to select then hit return key – number key (voice says “press 1 for email” etc) – hands free voice activation – Braille input
the last two I have not got to yet because I am failing to get the first 3 working (I can get all of them working but not all at the same time, fixing one breaks another). The listWidget already processes number keys (if you press 4 the 4th row gets selected – I need pressing 4 to run the menu item functionality without a second user input) but I am just missing something in how it works.
Is this something I just need to do with different object?
For mouse click
, I think it's straightforward to implement menu functionalities in respective clickevents
of widgets in listwidget.
Use keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *);
to process up
, down
and return
keys in combination with listwidget->hasFocus()
if needed.
Use the same keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *);
to process number