I am having trouble loading a Dynamic Component Presentation from the Broker based on a fairly simple query like the below, where I am trying to load the Component based on being tagged with a specific Keyword:
private string GetComponentPresentations()
Logger.Log.Info("Entered GetComponentPresentations");
var publicationCriteria = new PublicationCriteria(_publicationId);
int schemaId = int.Parse(SchemaId.Split('-')[1]);
// Is it the correct content type (Schema)
var isSpecifedSchema = new ItemSchemaCriteria(schemaId);
// Type of the item is 16 (Component).
var isComponent = new ItemTypeCriteria(16);
// All of the above conditions must be true
Criteria isCorrectComponent = CriteriaFactory.And(isSpecifedSchema, isComponent);
var publicationAndIsComponent = CriteriaFactory.And(publicationCriteria, isCorrectComponent);
//Only get components tagged with the specified keyword
var keywordCriteria = new KeywordCriteria(_productsCategoryTcmId, ProductFilter, Criteria.Equal);
//Only get Components of the correct type from the correct publication
Criteria fullCriteria = CriteriaFactory.And(publicationAndIsComponent, keywordCriteria);
using (var query = new Query(fullCriteria))
string[] results = query.ExecuteQuery();
using (var cpf = new ComponentPresentationFactory(_publicationId))
if(results != null)
var resultString = new StringBuilder();
foreach (string componentTcmId in results)
Logger.Log.Info("Looping over results");
int componentId = int.Parse(componentTcmId.Split('-')[1]);
int templateId = int.Parse(TemplateId.Split('-')[1]);
ComponentPresentation cp = cpf.GetComponentPresentation(componentId, templateId);
if (cp != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cp.Content))
Logger.Log.InfoFormat("Appended Content {0}",cp.Content);
return resultString.ToString();
Logger.Log.Info("Results was null.");
return string.Empty;
I can see the item in the ITEMS_CATEGORIES_AND_KEYWORDS table in the Broker database with the keyword I expect and I can load the CP manually if I comment out the query and hardcode the TCM ID in.
I have made sure the Category is published and that all the variables' values are correct.
I have ensured the Keyword has a value and a key set to the appropriate value.
What else can I check?
I have managed to get this working using the following code:
private string GetComponentPresentationsUsingFilter()
//RSL: Had to use the obsolete filtering API because could not get anything back from the Broker.
var filter = new SearchFilter("tcm:0-" + _publicationId + "-1");
var query = new Query();
string schemaId = SchemaId.Split('-')[1];
query.AddCriteria("schema", "=", schemaId);
query.AddCustomMetaQuery(string.Format("KEY_NAME = 'product' AND CAST(KEY_STRING_VALUE as nvarchar(100)) = '{0}'", ProductFilter));
string[] results = filter.Match(query, new Sorting("title=asc"), MaxItems);
if (results == null)
Logger.Log.Info("Results was null.");
return string.Empty;
using (var cpf = new ComponentPresentationFactory(_publicationId))
var resultString = new StringBuilder();
Logger.Log.InfoFormat("Got {0} Results", results.Length);
foreach (string componentTcmId in results)
int componentId = int.Parse(componentTcmId.Split('-')[1]);
Logger.Log.InfoFormat("Got componentId as {0}", componentId);
int templateId = int.Parse(TemplateId.Split('-')[1]);
Logger.Log.InfoFormat("Got templateId as {0}", templateId);
ComponentPresentation cp = cpf.GetComponentPresentation(componentId, templateId);
if (cp != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cp.Content))
Logger.Log.InfoFormat("Appended Content {0}", cp.Content);
return resultString.ToString();
No idea why I can get results this way but nothing using the Criteria api?