I would like to create a zip file on the fly to serve to users through Cherry Py: I tried the following code that produced an invalid zip file:
def ZipDir(self, *args):
path = "\\".join(args)
output = StringIO.StringIO()
file = zipfile.ZipFile(output, "w")
zip_filename = path + ".zip"
cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/zip'
cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="%s"' % (zip_filename,)
dir = filter(lambda x: x.lower().endswith(".mp3") or not ("." in x), os.listdir("G:\\Music\\" + path))
for f in dir:
file.write("G:\\Music\\" + path + "\\" + f,f,zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
return output.getvalue()
The file size looks about right, but it doesnt register as a zip file with any acrhicing applications.
I forgot to call file.close() before the return. That fixed it!