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Why would code actively try to prevent tail-call optimization?

The title of the question might be a bit strange, but the thing is that, as far as I know, there is nothing that speaks against tail call optimization at all. However, while browsing open source projects, I already came across a few functions that actively try to stop the compiler from doing a tail call optimization, for example the implementation of CFRunLoopRef which is full of such hacks. For example:

static void __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__() __attribute__((noinline));
static void __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__(CFRunLoopObserverCallBack func, CFRunLoopObserverRef observer, CFRunLoopActivity activity, void *info) {
    if (func) {
        func(observer, activity, info);
    getpid(); // thwart tail-call optimization

I would love to know why this is seemingly so important, and are there any cases were I as a normal developer should keep this is mind too? Eg. are there common pitfalls with tail call optimization?


  • My guess here is that it's to ensure that __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ is in the stack trace for debugging purposes. It has __attribute__((no inline)) which backs up this idea.

    If you notice, that function just goes and bounces to another function anyway, so it's a form of trampoline which I can only think is there with such a verbose name to aid debugging. This would be especially helpful given that the function is calling a function pointer that has been registered from elsewhere and therefore that function may not have debugging symbols accessible.

    Notice also the other similarly named functions which do similar things - it really looks like it's there to aid in seeing what has happened from a backtrace. Keep in mind that this is core Mac OS X code and will show up in crash reports and process sample reports too.