The "Add new item " link on any list in Sharepoint2010 shows up a window/frame. I want to be able to find textfields, write into them and perform other operations in the window/frame. Currently i am unsuccessful with the following methods:
BrowserInstance.SwitchTo().Frame(index) --- Exausted all indexes. BrowserInstance.SwitchTo().Window() ---
The HTML looks something like:
<Div class=some class>
<Iframe frameborder=0 ..........>
Selenium Webdriver (c#) identifies the div (class= some class) but not the Iframe which unfortunately holds all the fields and buttons.
Any thoughts?
I failed to do this using selenium. So i used watin code within Selenium Test. It may not be a very good idea but Watin seems to be identifying the SharePoint 2010 iframes pretty pretty well.