I have a line chart that is updated every so and so seconds, similar to the one you see in Windows' Task Manager. The chart goes right-to-left, with the most recent data on the right, and going leftwards. How would I invert the values of the X axis so that the lowest value is on the right and the highest on the left? It's a LinearAxis.
I tried making it a CategoryAxis and putting the numbers in manually, but that doesn't work the way it should (the labels are not aligned with the ticks).
Or, is there a way to have the labels in a CategoryAxis align with the ticks?
So I've looked into it an i also can't see a straightforward way of flipping the axis. However i do have a solution that would work perfectly well and is relatively elegant giving the omission of a property to do this for you.
So consider this normal left-to-right line chart (should just be able to copy and paste this into a project to test).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute">
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
private var timeValue:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
{ Time: 0, Value: 18 },
{ Time: 1, Value: 20 },
{ Time: 2, Value: 30 },
{ Time: 3, Value: 35 },
{ Time: 4, Value: 35 },
{ Time: 5, Value: 32 },
{ Time: 6, Value: 40 },
{ Time: 7, Value: 62 },
{ Time: 8, Value: 80 },
{ Time: 9, Value: 75 },
{ Time: 10, Value: 76 } ]);
<!-- Define custom colors for use as fills. -->
<mx:SolidColor id="sc1" color="yellow" alpha=".8"/>
<!-- Define custom Strokes for the columns. -->
<mx:Stroke id="s1" color="yellow" weight="2"/>
<mx:Panel title="ColumnChart and BarChart Controls Example"
height="100%" width="100%" layout="horizontal">
<mx:LineChart id="column"
dataProvider="{timeValue}" >
<mx:LinearAxis maximum="10" minimum="0"/>
<mx:LinearAxis maximum="100" minimum="0" />
To change this to a right-to-left chart, i do some inverting of the time values to make them negative and then plot them along an axis that uses a negative minimum and zero as the maximum. I also then run a function on the labels to make them positive again to fit the original data source.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute">
import mx.charts.chartClasses.IAxisRenderer;
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
private var timeValue:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
{ Time: 0, Value: 18 },
{ Time: 1, Value: 20 },
{ Time: 2, Value: 30 },
{ Time: 3, Value: 35 },
{ Time: 4, Value: 35 },
{ Time: 5, Value: 32 },
{ Time: 6, Value: 40 },
{ Time: 7, Value: 62 },
{ Time: 8, Value: 80 },
{ Time: 9, Value: 75 },
{ Time: 10, Value: 76 } ]);
private function verticalAxisParseFunction(value : Number) : Number
return value * -1;
private function horizontalAxisRenderedLabelFunction(axisRenderer:IAxisRenderer, label:String):String
var labelAsNumber : Number = Number(label);
if (isNaN(labelAsNumber))
return label;
return (labelAsNumber * -1).toString();
<!-- Define custom colors for use as fills. -->
<mx:SolidColor id="sc1" color="yellow" alpha=".8"/>
<!-- Define custom Strokes for the columns. -->
<mx:Stroke id="s1" color="yellow" weight="2"/>
<mx:Panel title="ColumnChart and BarChart Controls Example"
height="100%" width="100%" layout="horizontal">
<mx:LineChart id="column"
dataProvider="{timeValue}" >
<mx:LinearAxis id="horizontalAxis" maximum="0" minimum="-10" parseFunction="{verticalAxisParseFunction}"/>
<mx:LinearAxis id="verticalAxis" maximum="100" minimum="0" />
labelFunction="{horizontalAxisRenderedLabelFunction}" />
placement="right" />