Just a simple question that I cannot solve.
I want to parse a string as either a String or a Maybe Double, where an empty string or an "n/a" is parsed as a Nothing. For example something like:
data Value = S String | N (Maybe Double)
value::CharParser () Value
value = val <* spaces
where val = N <$> v_number
<|> S <$> v_string
<|> N <$> v_nothing
I am having trouble with the v_nothing (and also leading and training white space).
v_number :: CharParser () (Maybe Double)
v_number = do s <- getInput
case readSigned readFloat s of
[(n, s')] -> Just n <$ setInput s'
_ -> empty
v_string :: CharParser () String
v_string = (many1 jchar)
where jchar = char '\\' *> (p_escape <|> p_unicode)
<|> satisfy (`notElem` "\"\\")
I tried all sort sorts of things for v_nothing to no avail.
Maybe something like this?
value = do skipMany space
choice $ map try [
do string "n/a" <|> (eof >> return [])
return $ N Nothing,
do d <- many digit
return $ N $ Just (read d)
-- do ...