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Django Celery and multiple databases (Celery, Django and RabbitMQ)

Is it possible to set a different database to be used with Django Celery?

I have a project with multiple databases in configuration and don't want Django Celery to use the default one.

I will be nice if I can still use django celery admin pages and read results stored in this different database :)


  • It should be possible to set up a separate database for the django-celery models using Django database routers:

    I haven't tested this specifically with django-celery, but if it doesn't work for some reason, then it's a bug in django-celery (or Django itself) that should be fixed.

    Your router would look something like this:

    class CeleryRouter(object):
        "Route Celery models to separate DB."
        APPS = (
            'django',  # Models from kombu.transport.django, if you're using Django as a message transport.
        DB_ALIAS = 'celery'
        def db_for_read(self, model, **hints):
            if model._meta.app_label in self.APPS:
                return self.DB_ALIAS
            return None
        def db_for_write(self, model, **hints):
            if model._meta.app_label in self.APPS:
                return self.DB_ALIAS
            return None
        def allow_relation(self, obj1, obj2, **hints):
            if (obj1._meta.app_label in self.APPS and
                obj2._meta.app_label in self.APPS):
                return True
            return None
        def allow_syncdb(self, db, model):
            if db == self.DB_ALIAS:
                # Only put models from APPS into Celery table (and south for
                # migrations).
                return model._meta.app_label in self.APPS + ('south',)
            elif model._meta.app_label in self.APPS:
                # Don't put Celery models anywhere else.
                return False
            return None

    Then add this to your settings: