I am building a quadtree using the techniques described in this wikipedia article. I am storing the coordinates in an 2- or 3-dimansional array.
boost::array<unsigned int, 2 /* 3 */> coord;
I need a method to calculate the coordinates of the next box in z-order. It would work by interleaving the bits, increasing by one and than deinterleaving, but this gets very complicated. I hope there is an implementation similar to the cmp_zorder(...) methon in the article wich works without interleaving the bits.
Ok here's the "mutilated" addition algorithm, x
and y
are inputs as well as outputs, and it is assumed that the lowest order bit in the interleaved coordinate would be x
(the same as in the wikipedia article)
int carry = 1;
int newcarry = x & carry;
x ^= carry;
carry = newcarry;
newcarry = (y & carry) << 1;
y ^= carry;
carry = newcarry;
} while (carry != 0);
I did test it, but only a little.