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Filebrowser for JWPlayer

I would like to build a file browser, which displays information about the file when clicking. The file itself should then be loaded into jwplayer per PHP.

Can I somehow do this by clicking on the file? Or should I use JavaScript? (which I try to avoid)


  • create a file browser by listin all files that you want to list by php outputing something like :

    <div id="player_container"></div>
    <a href="./files/file.mp4" onclick="playjw(this)" />
    <a href="./files/file2.mp4" onclick="playjw(this)" />
    <a href="./files/file3.mp4" onclick="playjw(this)" />   ect

    and the function

    <script type='text/javascript'>
    var temp;
    var temphref; //these variables to get the href of the anchor back when opening 
                  //another file so you could open the first file again
    function playjw(file) {
    var srcfile=file.href;
    jwplayer('player_container').setup ({
    'flashplayer': 'player.swf',
    'file': srcfile,
    'controlbar': 'bottom',
    'width': '470',
    'height': 320,
    'provider': 'http'
    return false; // this is required to not let the browser follow the link.

    change the function by yourself if any bug will ocour because i might have forgot something