i want to calculate latest 31-Mar .... suppose date is 1-Jan-2012 i want result as 31-mar-2011 and if is 1-April-2011 then also i want result 31-mar-2011 and if its 1-mar-2011 it should come as 31-mar-2010.....hope i made my self clear ...(with php) ... i al calculating date with this for financial year ...
always between 31-mar-lastyear to 1-April-thisyear
... year should be taken automatically ...
i was trying like this
31-mar-date('y') and 31-mar-date('y')-1
but its not working as its taking current year every time.
Here is an example using the wonderful strtotime function of php.
$day = 1;
$month = 1;
$year = 2011;
$date = mktime(12, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year);
$targetMonth = 3;
$difference = $month - $targetMonth;
if($difference < 0) {
$difference += 12;
$sameDateInMarch = strtotime("- " . $difference . " months", $date);
echo "Entered date: " . date("d M Y", $date) . "<br />";
echo "Last 31 march: " . date("t M Y", $sameDateInMarch);
// the parameter 't' displays the last day of the month