I'm interested in running a checker over my Python 3 code to point out possible flaws. PyChecker does not work with Python 3. I tried to pip-install Pylint, but this fails. The error message does not help me (see paste).
Pylint's Readme states that:
Pylint should be compatible with any python >= 2.2.
However, the page somehow feels outdated.
Is pylint compatible with Python 3? If yes, how can I install it? If no, are there alternatives I should look into?
Yes, pylint versions > 0.23.0 do support Py3K.
Your issue seems to be described in http://www.logilab.org/82417 (also Getting started with Pylint for Jython (jython2.5.1))
The cached ticket page recommends running:
$ NO_SETUPTOOLS=1 python3.2 setup.py install --no-compile
$ easy_install-3.2 logilab-common
$ easy_install-3.2 logilab-astng
# You can probably use pip instead of easy_install...