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What is a Node in OpenText LiveLink?

What is a Node in LiveLink?

Most of the time I worked with LiveLink, they are using Node many time.

What is a Node object?


  • Livelink Node is an object managed by the Livelink ECM Server. A particular document, folder, e-mail, project, task, discussion that you created in Livelink are Livelink nodes. If you want to browse objects in your system you usually start in a built-in root container - Enterprise Workspace or Personal Workspace and then you go on the path of folders to your document, for example.

    Now we come to the reason for the term node. Livelink organizes objects in a hierarchy that can be represented as a tree in computer science. A tree consists of nodes. Nodes can be containers (branches) and terminals (leaves) while the whole tree starts with a root node. The nodes are connected by parent child relation - just like in a file system; only Livelink has many more node types; not only folders and files. If you wanted to create a new node type you would see that the API publishes a class LLNode which you would inherit from to define features and behavior of your special nodes.

    So, a Livelink node is an existing object instance that you created in some container; what the others would call document or other object according to their business scenario. Object hierarchy managed by Livelink is called a tree of nodes often by Livelink developers and administrators.

    --- Ferda