I have a C# program that detects incoming TCP/IP packets on any given ethernet device. Every packet is processed in the following struct:
struct Packet{
String sourceIp;
DateTime arrivalDate;
If I have a List of every incoming Packets (List), how do I get those IPs that have more than X packets in less than Y seconds (say 1 second)?
I have no idea how to approach this problem, any help/tip will be highly appreciated.
Using Linq, it will be something like this:
List<Packet> allPackets =
new List<Packet>
new Packet {arrivalDate = DateTime.Parse("2000-01-01 0:00:00"), sourceIp = "a"},
new Packet {arrivalDate = DateTime.Parse("2000-01-01 0:00:01"), sourceIp = "a"},
new Packet {arrivalDate = DateTime.Parse("2000-01-01 0:00:01"), sourceIp = "a"},
new Packet {arrivalDate = DateTime.Parse("2000-01-01 0:01:00"), sourceIp = "a"},
new Packet {arrivalDate = DateTime.Parse("2000-01-01 0:00:00"), sourceIp = "b"},
new Packet {arrivalDate = DateTime.Parse("2000-01-01 0:01:00"), sourceIp = "b"},
new Packet {arrivalDate = DateTime.Parse("2000-01-01 0:02:00"), sourceIp = "b"},
new Packet {arrivalDate = DateTime.Parse("2000-01-01 0:03:00"), sourceIp = "b"},
var xPackets = 2;
var interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15);
// We group all the packets by ip, then within that, order the packets by date.
var ips =
p => p.sourceIp,
(ip, packets) => new
packets = packets.OrderBy(p => p.arrivalDate).ToList()
// Build a list of IPs with at least x packets in y interval.
var rapidIps = new List<string>();
foreach (var ipPacket in ips)
for (int i = 0, j = xPackets; j < ipPacket.packets.Count; i++, j++)
if (ipPacket.packets[i].arrivalDate + interval >= ipPacket.packets[j].arrivalDate)
At the end, rapidIps
contains [a]