Just started to use MODX Revo. When I make new document in MODX(Revo), fill its alias (for example 'TESTALIAS') and trying to get mydomain/TESTALIAS I'm receiving mistake 404.
Using nginx and php-fpm, FURLs are ON in .htaccess
So what am I doing wrong? Thank you very much
If you have built the site, browsed around a bit and THEN turned on furls, clear your modx cache. [actually delete all the files] Also make sure that not only furls are enabled in modx but that:
Use Friendly Alias Path = on
Check for Duplicate URIs Across All Contexts = on
Automatically generate alias = on [not necessary, just handy]
Are you getting the modx 404 error page or the apache 404?
But it sounds like you have not enabled furls in modx system->settings->freindly urls