Using the MyLocationOverlay
I get the current GeoPoint of the user.
myLocationOverlay.RunOnFirstFix (() => {
mapView.Controller.AnimateTo (myLocationOverlay.MyLocation);
RunOnUiThread (() => {
DisplayIncidentsNearMe (myLocationOverlay.MyLocation);}
However, To ReverseGeoCode that location, I need the Lat/Lng. The GeoPoint from the MyLocationOverlay is in LatitudeE6 format so doesn't work.
How do I get the "normal" lat/lng from the location object returned from the MyLocationOverlay
Geocoder geo = new Geocoder (this, Java.Util.Locale.Default);
var ad = geo.GetFromLocation (myLocation.LatitudeE6, myLocation.LongitudeE6, 1);
From the GeoPoint documentation, LatitudeE6 is:
the latitude of this GeoPoint in microdegrees (degrees * 1E6).
You can convert this number back to degrees by dividing by 1e6:
double degrees = myLocation.LatitudeE6 / 1e6;