For reasons I cannot understand, the people who supply my tables do not have any form of single field unique identification for the 20k+ entries in their tables.
I have two fields, BuildingCode and RoomCode, which together make up a unique room. For example:
BuildingCode RoomCode OtherInfo
001 100A This is room 100 A in building 1
001 101 Different room in the same building
002 100A This is still unique, even though two 100As exist
I know I can tell access to index both of those fields under one "MainIndex" and ensure no duplicates. What I don't know how to do is allow another table to reference one of these rooms as its parent (one to many relationship).
In my Computers table, I wish to reference one specific room. That is to say, I wish to ensure that the RoomRef is a reference to one unique room. How might I do that?
ComputerSN RoomRef
ABC123 001-100A
ABC124 002-100A
I cannot change the layout of the given Room tables due to their way of implementing data updates (in the rooms tables).
Any help is obviously appreciated!
Room ref should consist of two fields to match the data. It is then simple enough to join in a query. For example
SELECT DataTable.BuildingCode, DataTable.RoomCode, Count(DataTable.RoomCode)
FROM DataTable
ON DataTable.BuildingCode = LookUpTable.BuildingCode
AND DataTable.RoomCode= LookUpTable.RoomCode
GROUP BY DataTable.BuildingCode, DataTable.RoomCode
Or there abouts.