I am using solrnet and I want to use the spellcheck collation feature of solr. But it appears that solrnet does not support multiple collation. Is there a workaround for this ?
var queryResult = solr.Query(finalQuery, queryOptions);
// this property is a string instead of a collection
Detailed explanation
I set in solr <str name="spellcheck.maxCollations">5</str>
and this returns me more than one collation for one query
For this query: /select/?spellcheck=true&spellcheck.q=draiving+AND+tess
i get two collation
<str name="collation">driving AND test</str>
<str name="collation">training AND test</str>
In solrnet I have access only to first collation.
I think this is a bug in solrnet and I am opened to fix this if you also think this way.
There is an outstanding pull request on the SolrNet Github project that addresses this issue. Unfortunately, the committer of that pull request has not responded to some questions by the SolrNet author - Mauricio Scheffer. Since you are open to fixing this issue as well, I would suggest posting over st the SolrNet Google Groups Forum and open a discussion with Mauricio about perhaps finishing off the changes or starting your own. Unfortunately, Mauricio does not respond to questions/posts here on StackOverflow anymore, due to past censorship issues.