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I am implementing sitemesh3 in my spring MVC project and getting 404 exception

I am implementing sitemesh3 in my spring MVC project and getting 404 exception. I am following this tutorial SiteMesh3 now the problem is I am placing my jsp's inside Web-Inf in view Folder so what path i should give in sitemesh3.xml in decorator tag. I had tried a long but gettting 404 when deployed....


  • I successfully managed to make it work sitemesh3 + spring mvc. Decorators can be placed inside WEB-INF without problem

    my directory structure is as follow

    webapp/WEB-INF$ tree
    ├── enable-jmx.xml
    ├── lnramirez-servlet.xml
    ├── sitemesh3.xml
    ├── urlrewrite.xml
    ├── views
    │   ├── about.jsp
    │   ├── blog
    │   │   └── list.jsp
    │   ├── defaultdecorator.jsp
    │   └── home.jsp
    └── web.xml

    my sitemesh3 configuration

    $ cat sitemesh3.xml 
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="MacRoman"?>
      <mapping path="/*" decorator="/WEB-INF/views/defaultdecorator.jsp"/>

    and my web.xml


    beware if you're using UrlRewriteFilter filter like myself you might run into the same trouble I had. You have to place ConfigurableSiteMeshFilter before other filters.

    It worked for me