I'm currently finishing a little personnal kind of universal URI Parser for my GAE Application.
Globally, everything is fine and run pretty smoothly, but now that I review my code, I'm wondering if the self.request.host object that I use to parse information is an array or a string.
I now that it could seems obvious for some, but I've search for docs about it on Google's site , python's site and Django's as well without finding any relevant informations about the type of the object (Or I badly search maybe).
So if someone, could tell me if there is somewhere a documentation which contain the type of the object (as for the php docs for exemples ;-) ) I would be really happy ;-)
I now that I could use isinstance to retrieve it, but I would prefere a doc from python himself because I'll have to do the same thing with many other objects that I aim to use.
Many thanks in advance.
What's a "table"?
In any event, a webapp2 request object inherits from webob.Request, which is well-documented. The host
attribute is a normal string.