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Manipulate Zend_Paginator Data

I want to add product variations to my product view table which uses the Zend_Paginator.

With this code I get my products.

$select = $productModel->select() ... (so on)

With this code I create the paginator

$adapter = new Zend_Paginator_Adapter_DbSelect($select);
$paginator = new Zend_Paginator($adapter); 

And now I'm trying to add the product_variationsto the product data. I was trying to do this:

foreach($paginator as $key => $product) {

    // get variations   
    $variations = $productModel->getProductVariants($product['ID']);
    // overwrite $product add variations
    $product['Variations'] = $variations;
    $paginator->$key = $product;


But in my view controller only the product_data will be shown. The array (Variations) is missing.

How can I handle this?



  • See this: Adding items to a paginator already created.

    foreach($paginator as $key => &$product) {
        // get variations   
        $variations = $productModel->getProductVariants($product['ID']);
        // overwrite $product add variations
        $product['Variations'] = $variations;

    Notice the & in foreach() - pass by reference. Then you change the referenced $product and don't need to assign anything back to $paginator.