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WCF Attribute injection using an IOC Container

Using ASP.NET MVC I am able to replace the FilterProvider as so

 var oldProvider = FilterProviders.Providers.Single(f => f is FilterAttributeFilterProvider);
 FilterProviders.Providers.Add(new CustomFilterProvider(_container));

Using my own custom provider. It does not give me the ability to use a factory pattern to create the controller filter attributes but I do get the ability to use property injection to set dependencies the attributes may need using the container.

Is it possible to do something similar using WCF so that I can inject dependencies (property injection is fine) into my user defined classes that derive from Attribute that I use on my service methods (the services are created using IOC)?

I am using CastleWindsors WcfFacility, but a generalised solution (that applied to any container) would probably be a better answer.


  • One way to do this is to use the containers OnCreate method or similar and do something like the following at registration


    then have the following methods

      private static void WireUpAttibutes<T>(IKernel kernel, T instance) {
         var attributes = instance.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(MyAttribute), false);
         foreach (var attribute in attributes) {
            WireUp(kernel, attribute.GetType(), attribute);
      private static void WireUp(IKernel kernel, Type type, object instance) {
         var properties = type.GetProperties().Where(p => p.CanWrite && p.PropertyType.IsPublic);
         foreach (var propertyInfo in properties.Where(propertyInfo => kernel.HasComponent(propertyInfo.PropertyType))) {
            propertyInfo.SetValue(instance, kernel.Resolve(propertyInfo.PropertyType), null);