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Automatic documentation comments creation in Vim

Is there to make Vim create a comment blurb based on the filetype when I open a new file?

I am new to Vim. Here is the functionality I am looking for. When I do:

$ vim

I want the file to start with:

#Date Created: 24 May 2012
#Last Modified: (This is optional, really)
#Summary: (enter short summary of program here) 
#Author: My Name
#License: ...

etc. I have searched around but I cannot find a solution to do this.


  • You could do this without skeleton files using the following:

     autocmd BufNewFile *.py exe "normal O#Date Created: " . strftime("%d %b %Y") . "\r#Last Modified:\r#Summary:\r#Author:\r#License:\r"
     autocmd BufWritePre *.py exe "%s/^#Last Modified:.*$/#Last Modified: " . strftime("%d %b %Y (%T)") . "/e"

    Put those in your vimrc.

    A potential problem is that the autocmd BufWritePre will append the current time to all lines beginning with:

    #Last Modified: