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PyGTK/Glade keep button size standard

I have a simple pygtk/glade window with a menu and a 3x3 grid. Each row of the grid consists on: two labels and a button.

When the Window is resized, the labels holds the same font size, but the buttons get resized, and they could become HUGE if the windows gets very big.

How could I manage to keep my buttons with the same size always (the "standar" size of a button, just like they are when the interface is just opened) no matter if the Window is resized?


  • You just have to set the fill and expand parameters of the Buttons to False (uncheck them in the Glade interface).

    You would also want to put each button at the center of a 3x3 GtkTable, so it will appear centered and not aligned at the top of the cell