I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the default HTTP request timeout is when using express.
What I mean by this is: after how many seconds of dealing with a http request will the Express / Node.js server close the connection, when the browser nor server closed the connection manually?
How do I alter this timeout for a single route? I would like to set it to about 15 minutes for a special audio conversion route.
Thanks a lot.
might be a bad idea since multiple requests can be sent over the same socket.
Try connect-timeout or use this:
var errors = require('./errors');
const DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 10000;
const DEFAULT_UPLOAD_TIMEOUT = 2 * 60 * 1000;
Throws an error after the specified request timeout elapses.
Options include:
- timeout
- uploadTimeout
- errorPrototype (the type of Error to throw)
module.exports = function(options) {
//Set options
options = options || {};
if(options.timeout == null)
options.timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;
if(options.uploadTimeout == null)
options.uploadTimeout = DEFAULT_UPLOAD_TIMEOUT;
return function(req, res, next) {
//timeout is the timeout timeout for this request
var tid, timeout = req.is('multipart/form-data') ? options.uploadTimeout : options.timeout;
//Add setTimeout and clearTimeout functions
req.setTimeout = function(newTimeout) {
if(newTimeout != null)
timeout = newTimeout; //Reset the timeout for this request
tid = setTimeout(function() {
if(options.throwError && !res.finished)
//throw the error
var proto = options.error == null ? Error : options.error;
next(new proto("Timeout " + req.method + " " + req.url) );
}, timeout);
req.clearTimeout = function() {
req.getTimeout = function() {
return timeout;
//proxy end to clear the timeout
var oldEnd = res.end;
res.end = function() {
res.end = oldEnd;
return res.end.apply(res, arguments);
//start the timer