Maybe a duplicate question, though I have tried to found out answers from existing questions but failed.
I created a git repo on the server with command:
mkdir gitrepo
cd gitrepo
git init
Then from another machine I tried to push files to this repo but failed.
git init
git clone user@server:~/gitrepo/.git
cd gitrepo
touch test
git add test
git commit -a
Util now, no error occurs. When I try to push the changes to the server, the following error occurs:
>git push
No refs in common and none specified; doing nothing.
Perhaps you should specify a branch such as 'master'.
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
error: failed to push some refs to 'user@server:~/gitrepo/.git'
Anyone encountered this problem before?
I found an blog which explains well the difference between non-bare and bare repo. Those who gets the same problem may refer to this.
On the first machine, you created a non-bare repository, or a repository that has a working copy. Pushing to a non-bare repo can get a little exciting, so make sure that's actually what you want.
On the second machine, you created a new repository in the current directory (git init
), then cloned gitrepo
into a sub-directory as a second repo. Again, that's fine, just make sure it's what you wanted.
Here's how it would work with a bare repo on the first machine and one repo on the second:
First machine:
git init --bare gitrepo.git
Second machine:
git clone user@server:~/gitrepo.git
cd gitrepo
touch test
git add test
git commit -a
# '-u' tells git to track the remote master branch with your local master branch
git push -u origin master