Say I have a set of conditions:
Person.where{(name =~ 'Ernie%') & (salary < 50000) | (name =~ 'Joe%') & (salary > 100000)}
...which will generate SQL as follows:
SELECT "people".* FROM people
WHERE ("people"."name" LIKE 'Ernie%' AND "people"."salary" < 50000)
OR ("people"."name" LIKE 'Joe%' AND "people"."salary" > 100000)
How do I go about inverting the returned set, i.e. updating the Squeel to return the following sql:
SELECT "people".* FROM people
WHERE NOT(("people"."name" LIKE 'Ernie%' AND "people"."salary" < 50000)
OR ("people"."name" LIKE 'Joe%' AND "people"."salary" > 100000))
This is a little contrived, as my issue also involves a dynamically generated set of conditions - I can't change the actual conditions, but just need them wrapping in a NOT().
Anyone any ideas or suggestions on where to look?
You'll want to use the unary minus operator.
Person.where{-((name =~ 'Ernie%') & (salary < 50000) | (name =~ 'Joe%') & (salary > 100000))}.to_sql
=> "SELECT \"people\".* FROM \"people\" WHERE (NOT (((\"people\".\"name\" LIKE 'Ernie%' AND \"people\".\"salary\" < 50000) OR (\"people\".\"name\" LIKE 'Joe%' AND \"people\".\"salary\" > 100000))))"