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DevExpress Xtra Reports Page Break Not Working

Working on a project, where I generate graphs dynamically using xtra reports of the dev express suit, and am not bidning the graph to a data source. When I use a datasource to produce labels to test them out, the

Detail.PageBreak = DevExpress.XtraReports.UI.PageBreak.AfterBand;

works. But if I am generating the labels without a data source, this doesn't work. Does anyone have a clue?


  • Source:forcing a conditional page break when a label text changes value

    To accomplish this task you can either add a GroupFooter band and set the GroupFooter.PageBreak to AfterBand. or put a XRPageBreak control, handle the Detail.BeforePrint and adjust the visibility of the XRPageBreak as you need. To get processing row you need to use the XtraReport.GetCurrentRow() method. Please try this solution, and let us know the results.

    You can force a page break on certain conditions. Reference link has an example at the bottom as attachment..

    You can also use the Before_Print event to accomplish this task.

    Hope this help..