Hopefully, this is an easy one. I have an array with lines that contain output from a CSV file. What I need to do is simply remove any commas that appear between double-quotes.
I'm stumbling through regular expressions and having trouble. Here's my sad-looking code:
$csv_input = '"herp","derp","hey, get rid of these commas, man",1234';
$pattern = '(?<=\")/\,/(?=\")'; //this doesn't work
$revised_input = preg_replace ( $pattern , '' , $csv_input);
echo $revised_input;
//would like revised input to echo: "herp","derp,"hey get rid of these commas man",1234
Thanks VERY much, everyone.
You can use str_getcsv()
for this as it is purposely designed for process CSV strings:
$out = array();
$array = str_getcsv($csv_input);
foreach($array as $item) {
$out[] = str_replace(',', '', $item);
is now an array of elements without any commas in them, which you can then just implode as the quotes will no longer be required once the commas are removed:
$revised_input = implode(',', $out);
If the quotes are important to you then you can just add them back in like so:
$revised_input = '"' . implode('","', $out) . '"';
Another option is to use one of the str_putcsv()
(not a standard PHP function) implementations floating about out there on the web such as this one.