I generate Java sources from a wsdl file. These sources are not under version control (but the wsdl is). We use the cxf-codegen-plugin in maven and the generated classes are generated in <sourceRoot>${project.build.directory}/generated/cxf</sourceRoot>
This works all fine in maven.
I have to define this directory as addition source directory in Intelij Idea. (target
is normaly excluded).
But every time I re-import the maven project into InteliJ Idea (due to pom changes), I have to manually edit the project structure in Idea and redefine the addition source directory.
Is there any way I can either define this aditional source directory in maven, so Idea picks it up on reload, or tell Idea not to forget the manual source directoy definition?
This case is described in the IntelliJ IDEA Maven FAQ, Generated Sources section:
Specify the directory of your source root when you reimport a project.
You can select one of the following options:
Detect automatically This is a default option. When you select this option, IntelliJ IDEA automatically detects the location of the generated sources. IntelliJ IDEA also detects which directory to mark as a source root. However, IntelliJ IDEA searches for the generated sources only in target/generated-sources and target/generated-sources/* directories.
target/generated-sources This option enables you to mark the directory as source root manually.
subdirectories of "target/generated-sources" This option enables you to mark a subdirectory as a source root manually.
Don't detect This option lets you skip the detection process.