I am creating an application in which i need to start camera and scan QR code. I am using a class in through which scanner starts. it is fine in iPhone but crashes in iPad. i am using the code
if(![[appDelegate.tabbarcontroller.viewControllers objectAtIndex:1] isMovingFromParentViewController]) {
[[appDelegate.tabbarcontroller.viewControllers objectAtIndex:1] popToRootViewControllerAnimated:NO];
Using defensive programming in iOS is a very good strategy to prevent crashes.
About your question, from Apple doc:
To use an image picker controller containing its default controls, perform these steps:
Verify that the device is capable of picking content from the desired source. Do this calling the isSourceTypeAvailable: class method, providing a constant from the “UIImagePickerControllerSourceType” enum.
Check which media types are available, for the source type you’re using, by calling the availableMediaTypesForSourceType: class method. This lets you distinguish between a camera that can be used for video recording and one that can be used only for still images.
The link iphone-tutorial-better-way-to-check-capabilities-of-ios-devices by Mugunth Kumar provides the info you need to checke against device capabilities.
Hope it helps.