Search code examples

Can't submit after preventDefault

I use a script for form validation (validationEngine) and a script for file upload (uploadify).

To best manage my form submission:

  • validationEngine detects if my form can be sent.
  • If I can submit, I upload my files
  • Once all my uploaded files (onQueueComplete uploadify), I submit my form.

If I make an alert('foo'); in my onQueueComplete, it works. But if I submit my selector.submit() ... nothing happens.

$(function() {
        'fileSizeLimit' : '2048KB',
        'auto': false,
        'swf'      : '<?php echo site_url('public/modules/uploadify/uploadify.swf')?>',
        'uploader' : '<?php echo site_url('public/modules/uploadify/uploadify.php')?>',
        'buttonText' : 'Ajouter...',
        'method' : 'post',
        'formData' : {'userMail' : '<?php echo $userMail ?>'},
        'onQueueComplete' : function(queueData) {

$(document).ready(function() {
        var canSubmit = $("#validator").validationEngine('validate');

With this code, all works but submit doesn't work. It's like the event doesn't exist.


  • This method complicates the task myself. I decided to do a new routine easier.

    I let the file load automatically. And I just created elements that I delete.

    Anyway, to send my mail, file attachments will be destroyed.

    here is my new code and it works.

     * uploadify
     * we add a onUploadStart event to manage the file. uploadify uploads directly our files, but maybe the user missclick
     * and wants to remove some file.
     * The send action (controller webmail) doesn't upload files, uploadify do that for us.
     * We just need in the post for the name of the file registered in a hidden input.
    $(function() {
            'fileSizeLimit' : '2048KB',
            'swf'      : '<?php echo site_url('public/modules/uploadify/uploadify.swf')?>',
            'uploader' : '<?php echo site_url('public/modules/uploadify/uploadify.php')?>',
            'buttonText' : 'Ajouter...',
            'method' : 'post',
            'formData' : {'userMail' : '<?php echo $userMail ?>'},
            'onUploadStart' : function(file){
                $('#uploadList').append('<div class="file"><a href="#" class="deleteFile" rel="''">'' - [x]</a><input type="hidden" name="files[]" value="''" /></div>');
         * the .deleteFile elements are added after domready. We have to attach event click.
         * We remove the parent block to remove a file of mail attachment
            var rel = $(this).prop('rel');
    $(document).ready(function() {