I've never wandered into reading binary data before. I'm trying to learn now, and make a simple application to read the header data from a FLAC file and display the information in human readable format.
As a first, given that the first bit of data I'm interested in is 0x10000100, how do I use C# to read the first bit (1) and then read the int value stored in the subsequent 7 bits? I know already how to read the byte into a byte array using binaryreader... Just don't know how to parse this data in code.
Thanks in advance.
Binray "and" &
, "or" |
, "not" ~
are used to extract bits.
Here is approximate code:
byte value = 0x84;
bool flag = (value & 0x80) != 0;
var intPart = value & ~0x80;