Layer-hosting NSViews (so NSViews that you supply a CALayer instance for and set it with setLayer:
) can obviously contain subviews. Why obviously? Because in Apple's own Cocoa Slides sample code project, you can check a checkbox that switches the AssetCollectionView
from being layer-backed to being layer-hosting:
- (void)setUsesQuartzCompositionBackground:(BOOL)flag {
if (usesQuartzCompositionBackground != flag) {
usesQuartzCompositionBackground = flag;
/* We can display a Quartz Composition in a layer-backed view tree by
substituting our own QCCompositionLayer in place of the default automanaged
layer that AppKit would otherwise create for the view. Eventually, hosting of
QCViews in a layer-backed view subtree may be made more automatic, rendering
this unnecessary. To minimize visual glitches during the transition,
temporarily suspend window updates during the switch, and toggle layer-backed
view rendering temporarily off and back on again while we prepare and set the
[[self window] disableScreenUpdatesUntilFlush];
[self setWantsLayer:NO];
if (usesQuartzCompositionBackground) {
QCCompositionLayer *qcLayer = [QCCompositionLayer compositionLayerWithFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"Cells" ofType:@"qtz"]];
[self setLayer:qcLayer];
} else {
[self setLayer:nil]; // Discard the QCCompositionLayer we were using, and let AppKit automatically create self's backing layer instead.
[self setWantsLayer:YES];
In the same AssetCollectionView
class, subviews are added for each image that should be displayed:
- (AssetCollectionViewNode *)insertNodeForAssetAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index {
Asset *asset = [[[self assetCollection] assets] objectAtIndex:index];
AssetCollectionViewNode *node = [[AssetCollectionViewNode alloc] init];
[node setAsset:asset];
[[self animator] addSubview:[node rootView]];
[nodes addObject:node];
return [node autorelease];
When I build and run the app and play around with it, everything seems to be fine.
However, in Apple's NSView Class Reference for the setWantsLayer:
method it reads:
When using a layer-hosting view you should not rely on the view for drawing, nor should you add subviews to the layer-hosting view.
What is true? Is the sample code incorrect and it's just a coincidence that it works? Or is the documentation false (which I doubt)? Or is it OK because the subviews are added through the animator proxy?
When AppKit is "layer hosting" we assume you may (or may not) have a whole subtree of layers that AppKit doesn't know about.
If you add a subview to the layer hosted view, then it might not come out in the right sibling order that you want. Plus, we sometimes add and remove them, so it might change depending on when you call setLayer:, setWantsLayer: or when the view is added or removed from the superview. On Lion (and before) we remove the layers that we "own" (ie: layer backed) when the view is removed from the window (or superview).
It is okay to add subviews...their children-sibling-order in the sublayers array just might not be deterministic if you have sibling-layers that aren't NSViews.