I have a string like:
$string = '"lorem ipsum","dolor, sit","amet"';
I am trying to use EXPLODE and preg_match in order to get each of the elements within " .. " as a string on its own, rendering the original string into an array.
Which would give me in the end;
$array[0] = 'lorem ipsum';
$array[1] = 'dolor, sit';
$array[2] = 'amet';
Some strings-to-be contain comma inbetween so my attempts of trying explode to separate them and then replacing or preg_matching to extract in between " .. " fails.
How can I achieve the desired goal?
Thank you.
You should replace your combination of functions with a function that is made specifically for this: str_getcsv
$array = str_getcsv($string, ',', '"');
(options added for clarity)