I'm struggling to get offline files working in Chrome. The first view of the offline page works well, but if I refresh the browser, not so much.
Here's the manifest file (which IS being served as content type "text/cache-manifest"):
And here's the HTML for the page that I would like to function offline:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html manifest="/appname/Resources/manifest.appcache">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../CSS/test.css" />
When the offline page loads for the FIRST time, I see in the Chrome Developer Tools console that the file in the manifest is loaded into appcache without any errors which is good. However, when I try to refresh the browser, I see an HTTP GET error in the console, and the page doesn't have the styling from test.css applied to it.
What am I doing wrong? If I look at the Resources tab in the developer tools, I see that the manifest file, the html file and the test.css file appear in the appcache. When I refresh, Fiddler shows that the manifest file is being returned with an HTTP code of 304 which I guess would be expected?
The fix was to change the reference to the manifest from /appname/Resources/manifest.appcache to ../Resources/manifest.appcache. I don't know why the initial call to the manifest would succeed and subsequent would fail with the former path, but the latter path seems to work.