I've got the following, which type-checks:
p_int = liftA read (many (char ' ') *> many1 digit <* many (char ' '))
Now, as the function name implies, I want it to give me an Int. But if I do this:
p_int = liftA read (many (char ' ') *> many1 digit <* many (char ' ')) :: Int
I get this type error:
Couldn't match expected type `Int' with actual type `f0 b0'
In the return type of a call of `liftA'
In the expression:
liftA read (many (char ' ') *> many1 digit <* many (char ' ')) ::
In an equation for `p_int':
= liftA read (many (char ' ') *> many1 digit <* many (char ' ')) ::
Is there a simpler, cleaner way to parse integers that may have whitespace? Or a way to fix this?
Ultimately, I want this to be part of the following:
betaLine = string "BETA " *> p_int <*> p_int <*> p_int <*>
p_int <*> p_parallel <*> p_exposure <* eol
which is to parse lines that look like this:
BETA 6 11 5 24 -1 oiiio
So I can eventually call a BetaPair constructor which will need those values (some as Int, some as other types like [Exposure] and Parallel)
(if you're curious, this is a parser for a file format that represents, among other things, hydrogen-bonded beta-strand pairs in proteins. I have no control over the file format!)
is a parser that produces an Int
, so the type would be Parser Int
or similar¹.
p_int = liftA read (many (char ' ') *> many1 digit <* many (char ' ')) :: Parser Int
Alternatively, you can type the read
function, (read :: String -> Int)
to tell the compiler which type the expression has.
p_int = liftA (read :: String -> Int) (many (char ' ') *> many1 digit <* many (char ' ')) :: Int
As for the cleaner ways, consider replacing many (char ' ')
with spaces
¹ ParsecT x y z Int
, for example.