How can I make this plugin code accept default options?
// Utility
if ( typeof Object.create !== 'function' ) {
object.create = function( obj ) {
function F(){};
F.prototype = obj;
return new F();
(function( $, window, document, undefined ) {
var Super = {
init: function( options, elem ) {
var self = this;
self.elem = elem;
self.$elem = $( elem );
//self.alertbox( options.alertmsg );
self.loadingBar( options.duration );
if ( typeof options === 'string' ) { = options;
} else {
// object was passed =;
self.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.superHero.options, options );
alertbox: function( message ) {
var self = this;
loadingBar: function( duration ) {
var self = this;
width: 699
}, duration);
$.fn.superHero = function( options ){
return this.each(function() {
var hero = Object.create( Super );
hero.init( options, this );
$.data( this, 'superHero', hero);
$.fn.superHero.options = {
alertmsg: 'Hello World!',
duration: 8000,
})( jQuery, window, document );
The options only work if I define them in the index page when calling the plug-in.
How do I make it so that the options have a default that is overwritten by the user as opposed to being required from the user?
It turns out I need to call;
self.loadingBar( self.options.duration );
as opposed to
self.loadingBar( options.duration );
Not sure what the difference is; all I know is it works.