I'll be using these variables throughout:
$ROOTFILE = "http://www.scottandjessiecooper.com/webtutorials/images/smiley.png";
$NEWFILE = "$ROOTDIR/images/tmp/new_smiley.png";
When I use this function, I have NO problems with transparency
function save_image($root, $saveto){
copy($root, $saveto);
save_image( $ROOTFILE, $NEWFILE ); // root can be file or url
However I NEED to use an IMAGE_RESOURCE so i cam manipulate the ROOTFILE if needed
So i treid this:
if ( file_exists( $NEWFILE ) ) unlink ($NEWFILE);
$image = imagecreatefrompng( $ROOTFILE );
imagepng( $image, $NEWFILE );
imagedestroy( $image );
Now when I use this:
<img src="<?=$NEWFILE?>" />
I lose the transparency. The background goes BLACK!
So I tried outputting the image to make sure it wasn't the saving that caused the problem:
if ( file_exists( $NEWFILE ) ) unlink ($NEWFILE);
$image = imagecreatefrompng( $ROOTFILE );
header('Content-Type: image/png');
imagepng( $image );
imagedestroy( $image );
Still to no avail...
You need to enabled alpha blending and save alpha. I found this after a 10 sec google search: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.imagecreatefrompng.php#43024