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Accessing target path from a shortcut file on a 64 bit system using 32 bit application

I'm trying to access the target path from a shortcut(.lnk) file on a 64bit machine using my 32 bit application. To get the path, I was using the following code.

WshShell shell = new WshShell();
IWshShortcut link = (IWshShortcut)shell.CreateShortcut(flexShortcut);
FLEXEXE = link.TargetPath;

This returns the path C:\Program Files (X86)\.. instead of C:\Program Files\..

Is there any work around for this?


  • A trick to be used is to

    1. Get the file name from link.TargetPath
    2. Get the working directory from link.WorkingDirectory
    3. Append path