I'm writing an ssh wrapper in objective-c, I'm trying to implement a maxTime a command should take to execute. The way I implement it is:
Main Thread:
In C# I had good success using ManualResetEvents to signal the MainThread. In Objective-C the closest class I can find is NSCondition but it seems that it's not built for inter-thread communication.
In fact I get:
2012-05-22 00:31:05.761 libssh2-for-iOS[60821:11303] ** -[NSCondition unlock]: condition ( '(null)') unlocked from thread which did not lock it
2012-05-22 00:31:05.763 libssh2-for-iOS[60821:11303] ** Break on _NSLockError() to debug.
when I try to use it. Is there another way to use NSCondition or a better way for a thread to sleep until it receives some sort of signal?
Ok turns out that I was almost right. My problem (as the compiler handily alluded to) was that I was locking in one thread and unlocking in another. What really solved it was learning about the "signal" method in NSCondition. So now I've rewritten the code thusly:
Worker #1 Thread:
[NSCondition lock]
start worker thread
if([NSCondition waitUntil:maxTime])
// got signal
// timed out
[NSCondition unlock]
Worker #2 Thread:
Do work
[NSCondition signal]