I'm trying to link to the sencha touch library from a FDT Haxe project. According to:
All you have to do is run from a command line:
haxelib install senchatouch
It installs sencha touch here : /usr/lib/haxe/lib/senchatouch/1,10
but my project doesn't know where to find it. How can I link my project to it? I also tried simply copying the entire senchatouch install into my project, but its very cumbersome of course and I get multiple compile errors. What is the correct way to do this? Thanks so much in advance.....
Here is a screen shot of the compiler errors:
You'll need to either:
You'll also have to add the -lib argument to compile.hxml
Remap is beyond the scope of this question but you get the idea.
If using FDT's GUI, then go to Preferences>Haxe>Haxe SDK and point FDT to the Haxe SDK which you've installed Haxelib into.