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VSS to Subversion

I'm researching a potential move from SourceSafe to Subversion and we are struggling with the edit/merge/commit vs. checkout/update/checkin paradigm. The primary concern is how do you know which files are checked out with Subversion (and to whom)?

Is there a Subversion equivalent to "Status Search" in VSS? Or is it not possible because of the lack of "reserved checkout"?

Also, if we do try and implement "reserved checkouts" with Subversion via "locks", is there a GUI (TortoiseSVN, VirtualSVN, etc.) that supports "lock on checkout"?


Update: Example, before we do a build/release we want to be absolutely sure that all files are checked-in. Developers forget. So we DO need to know which files are checked-out. Is this possible with Subversion? Is is possible to view a list of checked-out (or locked) files? Browsing the entire code-base in Explorer is not feasible, is there some report-style list or search functionality?


  • I appreciate all the answers/opinions. However, just to close the loop, if you do choose to go with the lock/edit/unlock paradigm, which is possible with Subversion, you can use TortoiseSvn to view all current locks for all users.

    • Select TortoiseSvn | Check for Modifications, then select "Check Repository".
    • A list of files is displayed.
    • There is a "Lock" column that shows the user who has the file locked.