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NetlinkListener and NetlinkEvent error messages

My application does not break during Runtime. However, the following error messages always show up

NetlinkListener: ignoring non-kernel netlink multicast message NetlinkEvent: NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'UDEV_LOG' not found

The app I'm developing uses sockets to receive packages from a specific IP source (with specific enabled port number). I set up a set of Log outputs (I even tried 'System.out.println' calls) to verify the data flow and everything seems to be fine.

Can anyone tell me what those errors messages are exactly related to?

The device I'm using for testing purposes is a Motorola Atrix 4G (MB860) with the latest OTA update (Android 2.3.6). Because of compatibility issues, all the development we do have to be done using API 8 (or earlier).


  • Having the same issue, it's a bug on 2.3.6, reported on Motorola and Android.

    Link to Android bug report.

    In the bug report, I added the info for my phone plus the search I did on the forums. If anyone has the same issue please add a star and/or comment to make them know that the issue exists and it's not related to only one country/cell provider.