I'm connecting to QNX Neutrino over SSH with PuTTY 0.62.
I've enabled "Allow terminal to specify ASCI colours", and "Allow terminal to use xterm 256-colour mode".
How do I get my terminal (qansi-m) to add colour to the output text?
You can manually add colours by using the following when using echo
The graphic rendition codes are as follows:
Number Meaning
0 All attributes off (except charset (10, 11, 12))
1 Bold
2 Half intensity (default to cyan on color screen)
4 Underline (default to red on color screen)
5 Blink
7 Reverse
9 Invisible
10 Exit alternate char set (GR & GL are restored)
11 Enter PC-lower char set (GR & GL are ASCII; C0 & C1 are PC_LO except for ESC)
12 Enter PC-higher char set (GR, C1 & GL, C0 are PC_HI except for ESC)
21 Normal intensity (un-Bold)
22 Normal intensity (un-Half intensity)
24 Disable underline
25 Disable blink
27 Disable reverse
29 Visible
30-37 Set foreground color (30+color_number, see below)
39 Set foreground to saved
40-47 Set background color (40+color_number, see below)
49 Set background to saved
The color codes are as follows:
colour_num Description
0 Black
1 Red
2 Green
3 Brown
4 Blue
5 Violet
6 Cyan
7 White
CSI in octal is \0233, so to print bold text (1) with a red foreground (31), you'd do:
echo "\023331;1m"