I have a Perl module that I have declared some constants:
use constant BASE_PATH => "/data/monitor/";
In live operation the constant will never change but I wish to be able to modify it in my unit tests, e.g. to set it to ~/project/testdata/
. Is there a way do do this without having to use global mutable variables?
Could I possibly use Test::MockObject
on the constant
When using constants they are implemented as constant functions behaving something like:
use subs 'BASE_PATH';
sub BASE_PATH () {"/data/monitor/"}
Any uses of BASE_PATH in the program are inlined and so can't be modified.
To achieve similar you could manually use the subs pragma (to make BASE_PATH behave as a built in function) and declare BASE_PATH as a standard function:
use subs 'BASE_PATH';
sub BASE_PATH {"/data/monitor/"}
print "BASE_PATH is ".BASE_PATH."\n";
*BASE_PATH = sub {"/new/path"};
print "BASE_PATH is ".BASE_PATH."\n";
Although why you would want to do this I'm not too sure.