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Query dbpedia to find possible contexts to disambiguate a word

Good day, stackoverflow,

I need to suggest to user different contexts for a word, so that he could have a possibility to disambuguate it.

For example: a word "less" can be Unix program, css framework or some other things. A word "apple" can be a fruit, a corporation, a river, a state in the US (big apple) or a bunch of other things.

I hope you got the idea.

I looked over the internet and so far I could come up only with this query.

But it's still far from being perfect. It often gives too much or too few words and sometimes nothing (for "jquery"). seems to use dbpedia as well, but its results are far better than mine.

How should I change my query to get more relevant results?


  • If you are looking for a Web API, use: DBpedia Lookup or DBpedia Spotlight. If you need to do it in SPARQL, you can use the DBpedia Lexicalization Dataset.

    For DBpedia Lookup, you can give a string and retrieve DBpedia Resources with labels matching those strings:

    For DBpedia Spotlight, you can optionally give more context:

    For the Lexicalization Dataset, there is no SPARQL endpoint available yet. You will need to download it, load it in your own RDF store and run a query like this:

    PREFIX skos: <>
    SELECT ?resource ?score WHERE {
    GRAPH ?g {
      ?resource skos:altLabel ?label.
      ?g <> ?score.
      FILTER (REGEX(?label, "apple", "i"))