I need to create a slide left and slide right effect. This will be used on a panel when it is added to stage.
Also, the canvas I want to use the effect on has its height determined by the "top" and "bottom" properties, I heard this may cause issues when applying such an effect.
Here's something you can start with that I made a while back, this is the Flex3 version moving it over to 4 I've changed the base class to Group and been able to make some further optimization with regard to the initial creation of the components on the "sliding canvas". View source is enabled in the right click menu on the export: http://www.shaunhusain.com/ImageSlider/ (don't be confused by the name it allows you to add whatever UIComponent to it I just started out with images). I'm not immediately aware of any issues with defining it's size via top and bottom properties but it might require tweaking, if you run into issues post those as questions.