Do all CLR value types, including user-defined struct
s, live on the evaluation stack exclusively, meaning that they will never need to be reclaimed by the garbage collector, or are there cases where they are garbage-collected?
I have previously asked a question on SO about the impact that a fluent interface has on the runtime performance of a .NET application. I was particuarly worried that creating a large number of very short-lived temporary objects would negatively affect runtime performance through more frequent garbage-collection.
Now it has occured to me that if I declared those temporary objects' types as struct
(ie. as user-defined value types) instead of class
, the garbage collector might not be involved at all if it turns out that all value types live exclusively on the evaluation stack.
(This occured to me mainly because I was thinking of C++'s way of handling local variables. Usually being automatic (auto
) variables, they are allocated on the stack and therefore freed when the program execution gets back to the caller — no dynamic memory management via new
involved at all. I thought the CLR just might handle struct
s similarly.)
I did a brief experiment to see what the differences are in the CIL generated for user-defined value types and reference types. This is my C# code:
struct SomeValueType { public int X; }
class SomeReferenceType { public int X; }
static void TryValueType(SomeValueType vt) { ... }
static void TryReferenceType(SomeReferenceType rt) { ... }
var vt = new SomeValueType { X = 1 };
var rt = new SomeReferenceType { X = 2 };
And this is the CIL generated for the last four lines of code:
.locals init
[0] valuetype SomeValueType vt,
[1] class SomeReferenceType rt,
[2] valuetype SomeValueType <>g__initLocal0, //
[3] class SomeReferenceType <>g__initLocal1, // why are these generated?
[4] valuetype SomeValueType CS$0$0000 //
L_0000: ldloca.s CS$0$0000
L_0002: initobj SomeValueType // no newobj required, instance already allocated
L_0008: ldloc.s CS$0$0000
L_000a: stloc.2
L_000b: ldloca.s <>g__initLocal0
L_000d: ldc.i4.1
L_000e: stfld int32 SomeValueType::X
L_0013: ldloc.2
L_0014: stloc.0
L_0015: newobj instance void SomeReferenceType::.ctor()
L_001a: stloc.3
L_001b: ldloc.3
L_001c: ldc.i4.2
L_001d: stfld int32 SomeReferenceType::X
L_0022: ldloc.3
L_0023: stloc.1
L_0024: ldloc.0
L_0025: call void Program::TryValueType(valuetype SomeValueType)
L_002a: ldloc.1
L_002b: call void Program::TryReferenceType(class SomeReferenceType)
What I cannot figure out from this code is this:
Where are all those local variables mentioned in the .locals
block allocated? How are they allocated? How are they freed?
(Off-topic: Why are so many anonymous local variables needed and copied to-and-fro, only to initialize my two local variables rt
and vt
Your accepted answer is wrong.
The difference between value types and reference types is primarily one of assignment semantics. Value types are copied on assignment - for a struct, that means copying the contents of all fields. Reference types only copy the reference, not the data. The stack is an implementation detail. The CLI spec promises nothing about where an object is allocated, and it's a bad idea to depend on behaviour that isn't in the spec.
Value types are characterised by their pass-by-value semantics but that does not mean they actually get copied by the generated machine code.
For example, a function that squares a complex number can accept the real and imaginary components in two floating point registers and return its result in two floating point registers. The code generator optimizes away all of the copying.
Several people had explained why this answer was wrong in comments below it but some moderator has deleted all of them.
Temporary objects (locals) will live in the GC generation 0. The GC is already smart enough to free them as soon as they go out of scope. You do not need to switch to struct instances for this.
This is complete nonsense. The GC sees only the information available at run-time, by which point all notions of scope have disappeared. The GC will not collect anything "as soon as it goes out of scope". The GC will collect it at some point after it has become unreachable.
Mutable value types already have a tendency to lead to bugs because it's hard to understand when you're mutating a copy vs. the original. But introducing reference properties on those value types, as would be the case with a fluent interface, is going to to be a mess, because it will appear that some parts of the struct are getting copied but others aren't (i.e. nested properties of reference properties). I can't recommend against this practice strongly enough, it's liable to lead to all kinds of maintenance headaches in the long haul.
Again, this is complete nonsense. There is nothing wrong with having references inside a value type.
Now, to answer your question:
Do all CLR value types, including user-defined structs, live on the evaluation stack exclusively, meaning that they will never need to be reclaimed by the garbage-collector, or are there cases where they are garbage-collected?
Value types certainly do not "live on the evaluation stack exclusively". The preference is to store them in registers. If necessary, they will be spilled to the stack. Sometimes they are even boxed on the heap.
For example, if you write a function that loops over the elements of an array then there is a good chance that the int
loop variable (a value type) will live entirely in a register and never be spilled to the stack or written into the heap. This is what Eric Lippert (of the Microsoft C# team, who wrote of himself "I don’t know all the details" regarding .NET's GC) meant when he wrote that value types can be spilled to the stack when "the jitter chooses to not enregister the value". This is also true of larger value types (like System.Numerics.Complex
) but there is a higher chance of larger value types not fitting in registers.
Another important example where value types do not live on the stack is when you're using an array with elements of a value type. In particular, the .NET Dictionary
collection uses an array of structs in order to store the key, value and hash for each entry contiguously in memory. This dramatically improves memory locality, cache efficiency and, consequently, performance. Value types (and reified generics) are the reason why .NET is 17× faster than Java on this hash table benchmark.
I did a brief experiment to see what the differences are in the CIL generated...
CIL is a high-level intermediate language and, consequently, will not give you any information about register allocation and spilling to the stack and does not even give you an accurate picture of boxing. Looking at CIL can, however, let you see how the front-end C# or F# compiler boxes some value types as it translates even higher-level constructs like async and comprehensions into CIL.
For more information on garbage collection I highly recommend The Garbage Collection Handbook and The Memory Managment Reference. If you want a deep dive into the internal implementation of value types in VMs then I recommend reading the source code of my own HLVM project. In HLVM, tuples are value types and you can see the assembler generated and how it uses LLVM to keep the fields of value types in registers whenever possible and optimizes away unnecessary copying, spilling to the stack only when necessary.